• 10 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

  • Welcome to the Bootcamp

  • How the Bootcamp Works

  • Zoom Details

  • Part 1: The Map - Diving straight in to profiling your ideal customers.

  • Part 2: The Method - Use a single question to find subscribers and turn into customers.

  • Part 3: The Filter - Refine our ideal customer and build a simple, multiple choice survey

  • Part 4: The Finesse - Turn answers into custom messaging for every single email (LIVE demo)

  • Part 5: The Future - Use the Sorter in different ways to present current and future offers.

  • Time & Zoom Details

  • Day 1 VIP Session

  • Day 2 VIP Session

  • Day 3 VIP Session

  • Day 4 VIP Session

  • Thank You Page & Autoresponder Essentials